Salem Access
Salem Access Television Channel 3
Channel 3 Program Schedule
Monday, May 24th
3:00 PM: Salem High Basetballvs. Lynn
5:30 PM: Salem Rec. Girls Basketball Championship
6:30 PM: Songwriters In The Round
7:00 PM: Peabody Essex Museum PresentsRoof of the
Americas Expedition
8:00 PM: Hamilton Hall Lecture Series: Y2K
9:00 PM: SHS Sports
9:30 PM: Poetry Motel
Tuesday, May 25th, 1999
10:30 AM: The Peabody Essex Museum PresentsRoof of
the Americas Expedition
12:00 PM: Artist Profile
1:00 PM: Your Money Matters
1:30 PM: Creating a Healthy Environment
2:00 PM: Focus on HealthProstate Cancer: Straight
Talk, New Hope
2:30 PM: Alive! Body, Mind and Spirit
3:00 PM: Ready, Willing, Enable
Rating: TV-G
3:30 PM: Salem Rec. College Basketball Championship
5:30 PM: Salem Pop Warner Highlights
6:00 PM: Behind the Badge
7:00 PM: Artsview
7:30 PM: 285 LIVE
9:00 PM: The Woody Farrick Show
9:30 PM: Caught In The WebInternet
Training--Northeastern University & Online
Wednesday, May 26th, 1999
2:00 PM: In Times Like These
3:00 PM: Jubilee Power Hour
4:00 PM: The Prophetic Word
4:30 PM: Dialogo Espiritual
5:00 PM: Catholic Mass in Spanish
6:00 PM: El P.L.D. Y El Nuevo Camino
8:00 PM: Latinos
9:00 PM: Telecomunidade
Thursday, May 27th, 1999
10:30 AM: Echos of an Era
12:00 PM: Poetry Motel
12:30 PM: Reeling...The Movie Review Show
1:00 PM: Behind The Badge
2:00 PM: Artsview
2:30 PM: 285 Live
3:30 PM: Salem High Baseballvs. Lynn
6:00 PM: Perspectives
6:30 PM: Access This!
7:00 PM: Caught In The WebInternet
Training--Northeastern University & Online
7:30 PM: Salem Rec. Girl's Basketball Championship
8:30 PM: Alive! Body, Mind and Spirit
9:00 PM: Artist Profile
9:30 PM: The Woody Farrick Show
10:00 PM: Piece of Mind
Rating: TV-M
11:59 PM: Your Mama
Friday, May 28th, 1999
11:00 AM: Jubilee Power Hour
12:00 PM: In Times Like These
1:00 PM: The Prophetic Word
1:30 PM: Dialogo Espiritual
2:00 PM: Catholic Mass in Spanish
3:00 PM: Salem Pop Warner Highlights
6:30 PM: SHS Sports
7:00 PM: Perspectives
7:30 PM: Songwriters in the Round
8:00 PM: Salem Rec. COllege Basketball Championship
Saturday, May 29th, 1999
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 30th, 1999
Memorial Day
Monday, May 31st, 1999
Memorial Day
Salem Access Television Channel 15
Channel 15 Government/Educational Schedule
Monday, May 24th, 1999
3:00 PM: Inside Salem with George Ahmed
7:00 PM: Foresight
7:30 PM: Massachusetts Today with George T. O'Brine
Tuesday, May 25th, 1999
12:00 PM: Salem City Council MeetingMeeting of
6:30 PM: A Conversation With Congressman Tierney
7:00 PM: Salem School Committee
Wednesday, May 26th, 1999
6:00 PM: Inside Salem with George Ahmed
7:00 PM: Salem Now with Leo JodoinKeeping Our Kids
Safe in School
8:00 PM: Community Meeting on School
Thursday, April 29th, 1999
11:00 AM: On The Road With Salem Now
12:00 PM: Salem School Committee
3:00 PM: Books Alive! XXIINEW!
5:00 PM: Salem Now with Leo JodoinKeeping Our Kids
Safe in School
6:00 PM: A Conversation with Congressman Tierney
7:00 PM: Salem City Council
Friday, May 28th, 1999
1:00 PM: Massachusetts Today with George T. O'Brine
2:00 PM: Salem City Council
7:00 PM: Foresight
7:30 PM: Inside Salem with George Ahmed
8:30 PM: On the Road with Salem Now
Saturday, May 29th, 1999
Memorial Day
Sunday, May 30th, 1999
Memorial Day
Monday, May 31st, 1999
Memorial Day
This schedule page is provided as an experimental service and is
not guaranteed.. It is not
affiliated with Salem Access Television in any way.
information about Salem Access Television, visit the SATV Online
website. For information about this web page and XML in general,
contact Dave
David Moisan